Today: I would like to thank the Academy.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] That’s what I would say if I won an Oscar. But, LBS (That stands for let’s be serious. Amazingly, that acronym has yet to catch on.)… ain’t gonna happen. So instead I would like to thank the people who got me to where I am today (figuratively, not literally sitting on my couch in yoga pants).
Thank you, Mom and Dad. You are the woman and the man! You have never failed to support me, to show me love, and to set an incredible example for how to treat people. You always make me feel so special (like, actually special not special-special).
Thank you, Jimmy, Andrea, and Christopher. You are the best siblings a girl could ask for, even though you’ve all been guilty of at least one of the following offenses:
- Telling me that Santa was bringing me a new computer the year mine literally caught fire and deleted all of my French papers… even though Santa was doing no such thing.
- Threatening to put cut up hot dogs in my bed.
- Breaking the head off my Anna Nicole Smith bobble head. Just months before the real Anna Nicole passed. Coincidence? You be the judge.
- Saying I look like a poodle.
- …And all the other bad things I can’t remember at the moment.
I love all four of you so much and feel very lucky to be related to you because that means you always have to love me, even if you don’t like me. And you’re going to have to spend time with me (on holidays, at the very least) for the rest of our lives.
Thank you, Nick, for being my smarter, funnier, better-looking half. I am so very lucky.
Thank you, India. Thank you, Providence. Thank you, thaaank you, Alanis Morrisette.
Thank you, Clark, for getting me out of bed earlier than usual, for taking me to place I’ve never been (like, the pet store, for example), and for always being down to snuggle or wear reindeer antlers or play a game (I invented) called “I’m spyin’ on you, ’cause I’m Russian!”
Thank you, friends, for always giving me a reason to smile. And, of course, I am so thankful for each and every one of you, for stopping by and encouraging me to continue to be silly, rambling and incoherent. I really appreciate you and I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Dinner with Kristine before she heads back to New Jersey
- You have a couple hours left before the winner of the fabulous Weleda giveaway is chosen
- Almost time to fetch a Christmas tree!
Who got you to where you are today?
Comments (1)
November 28, 2010 at 5:38 pm
Ha – not *special* special. I’ll have to try this Russian spy game with my dog. For now, we’ll stick to the rousing game of SHEEPS!, which involved Sadie dislodging a plush sheep toy from between my knees.