Today: (a guest post) 10 ways to be good.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]It’s fitting that one of the nicest people I know would write about being nice. I’ve been a big fan of Colleen’s blog for a while, and had the pleasure of meeting her in real life early this past summer. This being a small world, my younger brother knew her from college and could vouch for her coolness and normalness. I think it was the first time I intentionally met a stranger in person. I was nervous. It was like a blind date, I was the one wearing a blue dress trying to avoid the sketchballs lurking in Copley Square.
More recently, Colleen and I shared a table at Grey’s Fabric and Notions, where we learned how to sew pillows and essentially got hazed by our respective sewing machines. She’s lovely, fun, and nice to boot. You should read The Daily Craic… daily.
Sometimes it’s just nice to be nice. There’s so much negativity and nastiness in the world that we hear about and read about on a daily basis. So, I decided to stop complaining about all of it, and to try my best to do something. I’m attempting to put a little more positivity in the world with my ‘100 Days of Kindness’ project on my blog, the daily craic.
I started on November 1st because I figured November would be the perfect month – Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, Christmas is right around the corner; the holiday season is upon us. There sure is a lot of love and joy around the holidays, but for some people there’s a lot of stress, worry, sadness and emptiness. So what better way to pass the kindness onto these people than to volunteer somewhere? This way you can help someone out who really needs it. We all deserve to be filled with love and happiness not only during the holidays, but every day.
So, without further ado – here is a list of amazing places to consider donating some of your time and efforts this holiday season:
- Community Servings (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- Horizons for Homeless Children (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- St. Francis House (Watch their helpful videos)
- Father Bill’s and MainSpring (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- The Greater Boston Food Bank (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- Project Bread (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- Pine Street Inn (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- The Women’s Lunch Place (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
- Rosie’s Place (Find them on Facebook)
- The Home for Little Wanderers (Find them on Facebook and Twitter)
Thanks so much for asking me to guest post, Elizabeth! I appreciate it! Hope you have having a wonderful time on vacation.
See? Majorly nice.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Looking to do some good in your ‘hood? Check out Volunteer Match for one time and long-term opportunities.
Where is your favorite spot to volunteer?