Today: A November to remember.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Perhaps I was a Lexus commercial in a previous life. Anyway, holy crap. It’s November 2nd. This month promises to be full of great adventures and much excitement. Or at the very least, a high school reunion. Along with a potentially record breaking number of my fellow Americans, I headed to the polls bright and early this morning. I am not sure what it’s like in your neighborhood, but in Southie you basically have to run the gauntlet of sign holders and last minute campaigners on your way in the door.
It’s quite intimidating. I usually pretend to be deaf, and if I am feeling particularly resourceful, partially blind. It’s like every, single volunteer needs to get his or her last minute plea in. Today, a young man called out “Hey beautiful, don’t forget to vote for…” Creepy. Just plain creepy. I imagine more than one undecided voter has been swayed on the pavement outside the Condon School. But not this little lady. I come with a plan and purpose. Get in, cast my ballot, schmooze with the police officers at voter check-out, high five a few kids on their way to P.E., and get outta there.

Speaking of getting outta places, I finally found time to renew my passport today. That’s right, people, I’m going somewhere… just like my seventh grade guidance counselor predicted. When my shiny new passport book arrives on Monday, you folks are in for a treat, something I like to call “Guess who discovered eyebrow tweezing between ages 16 and 28?” It will involve a side-by-side comparison of my 1998 and 2010 passports and will have you wondering why Federal officials didn’t search my eyebrows for smuggled goods coming in or out of the country in the late nineties.
I would love to keep my two readers entertained while I am away, and since Clark can’t type very well, I’d love to share a few guest posts up in here. Please let me know if you are interested!
Also On Tap for Today:
- Vote, vote, vote on November 2nd. But only once. Election fraud is not On Tap for Today. The polls are open until 8 PM.
- Special event at Whole Foods tonight
- Track workout, laundry, and hopefully brewing!
What is your polling place like? Would you like to guest post this month? Did your middle school guidance counselor expect big things from you?