Today: Does dressing up my dog make me a Halloweenie?

[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Don’t answer that.  Yet.  Halloween basically freaks me out.  I like ghost stories, candy, and well-behaved costumed children, but each in moderation.  And not all at the same time.  I could do without dressing up, and used to think people who dressed up their dogs were criminally insane.

And then, in the following order,  I got a dog and discovered the pet costume aisle at Target.  I hit that aisle hard.  Fortunately, Clark likes to wear weird stuff and we live in a building where it’s socially acceptable to dress your pets on random Tuesdays, so holidays are certainly ok.

A very symmetrical bunch of grapes
No need to be chicken (or is this a rooster?)
The king shall feast on this old pumpkin stem
Au naturel

Is dressing your pet in costume cool or cruel?  Awesome or awful?  You won’t offend me, I swear.  If you’re feeling especially opinionated, you might even respond to this poll and let us know which look you like best.

Clark's best Halloween look

I hope you’re all having a very happy Halloween, regardless of what you (or your pets) are wearing.

Also On Tap for Today:

Did you dress up this weekend?  What was the best costume you encountered?

Comments (1)

  • Lauren

    November 1, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    I LOVE it!! Clark is so cute in all his looks!! 🙂 I personally think dressing up your pup is awesome and cute. I mean, yeah, maybe they don’t always LOVE it or understand what you’re doing, but I think for all the mischief they cause, the least they can do is put up with wearing a silly outfit long enough for us to take a couple pictures 😉

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