Today: Running in jean shorts.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Since I missed Saturday’s group run for Team in Training (due to a cold, but glorious 11 hours spent wo-manning our booth at the Boston Book Festival) , I hit the road Sunday morning like a plastic cup: Solo.

Yes, I was running 12 miles alone, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have company on the streets of South Boston. There are generally three types of people out for an extended period of time at eight o’clock on a weekend morning. There are the runners, the police officers and/or road construction workers, and the questionables. By ten o’clock, things get a bit more normal. But by ten o’clock, I was basically delirious, slightly limping, and probably looking quite questionable myself.
I tried to maintain a steady pace despite the whipping wind, and kept myself entertained by engaging in some good old Eye Spy with my little blue eyes. Here’s what I observed:
- Number of people running in jean shorts: 1
- Number of people running way faster than me… in jean shorts: 1
- Mass schedule for St. Brigid on Sunday: 8, 10:30 and 6
- Most popular dog fur color at Castle Island: black
- Most popular human tee shirt color at Castle Island: black
- Weird van with NH plates often parked by the bridge on Summer Street: present and accounted for
- Colors of mums available at Stapleton’s: yellow, orange, maroon and maroonish-orange
- Number of broken water fountains near Fort Independence: 1
- Number of orange parking cones on the beastly hill between L and M Streets: 4
- Number of swearwords in Tupac’s “I Ain’t Mad at Cha”: I lost count at 8
I wonder how much faster and efficient my long runs would be if I wasn’t focusing on everything except running. I just realized this is my 200th post. I am so glad I devoted it to such current and influential topics as jean shorts and chrysanthemums.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I love this: Sesame Street’s “I love my hair”
- You know you need to do laundry when your dog makes a nest out of your previously worn yoga pants and settles in for a long autumn nap
- 5 Ways to use green tomatoes
What’s On Tap for your week?
Comments (5)
Terry Elisabeth @ Québécoise et bilingue
October 18, 2010 at 12:19 pm
I think you Da Bomb for running marathons. 🙂
October 20, 2010 at 3:04 pm
I think you’re too kind! 🙂 Merci bien!
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
October 18, 2010 at 2:11 pm
Way to go!!!
I love this, I think my running would be better if I kept track of quirky things! haha
Hope you are good! Long time no talk!
October 20, 2010 at 11:07 am
When I run I like to count mullets and people who try to ask me for directions.
October 20, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Genius! I will be counting mullets on Saturday mornings from now ’til January. What’s your high score?