Today: My brother, the triathlete.

My older brother completed a triathlon this weekend. I was lucky enough to be a spectator and am still in awe of what he accomplished. I honestly felt like I was watching the Olympics, except that we were in Marlboro. And at one point an ambulance meandered onto the bike course and nearly ran over several competitors, and then a man crossed that same portion of the course, dragging a canoe behind him. I am pretty sure that isn’t allowed at the Olympics.

It really was an amazing feat to witness. Congratulations, Jimmy!
Also On Tap for Today:
- Team In Training meeting (there may be a distance race in the near future…)
- Playing that new Sara Bareilles song on repeat
- Gaaaah! More sharks in Chatham!
Have you ever completed a triathlon? GTL does not count, by the way.