Today: It’s me or the sloth.

When my sister was born, I thought she looked like a complete sloth.  I had done extensive research on the species, as only an almost three-year-old could: I read scanned pictures in a book called Zoo Babies.  Looking back, she takes offense to this comparison.  All I know is that I thought the sloths were cute and I thought she was cute.  And that she had surprisingly long fingernails for a baby.

Photo source: (yes, really)

Recently, I’ve come across a bunch of You Tube videos of my sister’s real family, filmed at Aviarios, Costa Rica’s Sloth Sanctuary.

Meet the Sloths

The person who filmed the video above describes the sanctuary are being run by “legendary sloth whisperer Judy Arroyo.”  Look out, Cesar Milan, there’s a new whisperer in town.  Could you imagine if sloths took over Animal Planet?  I would totally be hooked on the following programs:

  • It’s me or the sloth
  • Judy Arroyo, Sloth Whisperer
  • …Sloth, Bounty Hunter

I can just picture a crusty, leather-skinned Sloth with a ferocious blond mullet, chasing down fugitives with his raspy-voiced sloth wife Beth at his side… This has hit show written all over it.

Also On Tap for Today:

If you could produce your own smash TV show, what would it be about?

Comments (1)

  • Terry Elisabeth

    July 15, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    I would totally download the bounty hunter show.
    Sloths are adorable creatures.

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Today: This little piggy went to market.

July 11, 2010

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Today: Macrobursting with excitement.

July 20, 2010