Today: Blind date.
While I waited nervously on a sidewalk in the Back Bay, worrying that I had overdressed or underdressed, that I would talk too much or too little, that I would spill my drink, or that I was at the completely wrong restaurant, I was approached by a creeper. “Waitin’ for yer date?,” he asked. Why yes, I was. Both of them. Two tall, lovely blondes. Hopefully I’d know them when I saw them.
Colleen was kind enough to invite me to join her and a group of fellow bloggers for dinner at Vlora last night, marking my first blogger blind date of sorts. After reading each other’s blogs and tweets and whatnot, it was so great to meet Colleen, and her sister Megan (who is about to be married– congratulations!), in person. Colleen went to the same college as my younger brother, and– this being a small world, after all– her boyfriend and his sister know Christopher quite well.
Aliens (or our parents) will discover this post one day and wonder about us humans, tweeting and poking and texting people we don’t know. (For the record, there was no poking.) Like Wednesday’s adventure at Vidal Sassoon, I didn’t know quite what to expect, but of course– it was a blast. And the food was undeniable.
I loved meeting everyone and sharing our adventures and misadventures. The whole group was truly lovely. And talented. See for yourself:
- Susie and Chelsee of We Are Not Martha
- Colleen of The Daily Craic (hi, Megan!)
- Naomi of One Fit Foodie
- Meghan of Travel Eat Love
- Erica of Itzy’s Kitchen (thanks for the SC goodies!)
- Bridget of Yogurt and Berries
- Alicia of The Clean Plate Club
Hopefully I haven’t missed (or mis-named) anyone. Thanks for the great company, girls!
Also On Tap for Today:
- USA v. Ghana
- Catching up on some reading by the pool
- Bonfire party foods!
Have you ever been on a blind date (romantic, platonic, or um… are there other types?)
Comments (2)
June 26, 2010 at 7:23 pm
Your life is full of adventures !
June 28, 2010 at 5:32 am
it was SO awesome meeting you!! we need to do this more often!!!