Today: Long live the long weekend.
Thanks to the men and women who gave their lives for the good ol’ U.S.A., we savored every minute of this long Memorial Day weekend.
We got a few home improvement projects accomplished (details to follow ), spent time with my friends and celebrated Kristen’s graduation (congratulations, Doctor!), enjoyed several strolls along the ocean, took Clark for his first swim in my parents’ pool, slept late, read books, spent time with my family, ate pizza, listened to the Red Sox on the radio, wore lots of sunblock and kicked off the unofficial start to summer.
Sand is excellent for exfoliating. And it’s high in fiber.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Doctor’s appointments galore and a new pair of nerd glasses
- LOST may be over, but a Smoke Monster has descended upon Boston
- Salad in a jar!
How do you kick off summer?
Comments (1)
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
June 2, 2010 at 10:23 am
hahahaha… i love clark!