I was walking from my office to a meeting early this morning, about to pass through our garage, when suddenly a passing bird pooped directly on my forehead.
The parking attendant on duty caught the tail (feathered) end of the situation, seeing me holding my head and looking panicked, and misjudged the situation, thinking I was about to faint.
Maybe I did temporarily faint (so quickly that I didn’t have the chance to fall over) because I have no idea what happened for several minutes after that.
Regardless, the lovely attendant gave me a tissue from his pocket and I made a mad dash for my car to um, wipe the crap from my forehead. Mind you, I had exactly three minutes before I was supposed to meet a colleague. I Purelled my face with reckless abandon, which felt not unlike bathing in chemicals, and tried to pull myself together.
I doubt that anyone who believe getting bird poop on you is good luck has ever been shat upon. Take it from me (I am now a two-time veteran in the war on bird turd): there’s nothing lucky about it.
It is a little funny, though. And it’s totally okay if you’re laughing at me, not with me, in this moment.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Nick gets home from Omaha. Omahello, boyfriend.
- From the Globe: BPL trustees approve plan to close 4 branches
- Our cousin Katie is in town for a weekend of fanny packs and Silly Putty
- You’re doing it wrong: 5 exercises from the Fit Bottomed Girls
What’s the most mortifying moment you endured this week?
Comments (4)
April 9, 2010 at 4:17 pm
You’re in much better spirits than I would have been! But two times? Eek!
Terry Elisabeth
April 9, 2010 at 7:36 pm
Good one : “I Purelled my face with reckless abandon”. Hehe
April 10, 2010 at 2:47 am
The first date I went on with a boy I really liked I got pooped on. When I met my husband I got massively pooped on and it was rank. He helped me clean up and I figured that was a good catch, someone who would help me clean up. I think it’s been god luck for me.
April 10, 2010 at 9:15 am
Thanks for this comment! The first time I got pooped on I was with Nick on our way to a Red Sox/Yankees game. We hadn’t been dating long and I was beyond mortified. But like your husband, NIck helped me clean up (so gross hahaha) and that’s got to count for something!
Hope you’re having a great day!