Don’t you love mail that doesn’t need to be mailed back with a personal check enclosed? I’ve had a few goodies arrive recently, not the least of which was a notice alerting me to the fact that the Census would be arriving soon.
Um, why not just mail me the Census? A few days later, the prophecy of that useless letter was realized, and our census arrived. I thought it would be a little more interesting. I thought maybe President Obama would want to know about my eating habits, my profession, or possibly my favorite color. Turns out he’s more appropriately concerned with who’s living in the condo and when they’re not in the condo, do they reside a. in a nursing home or b. in a correction facility?

In all seriousness, though, fill yours out and mail it back. It’ll only take a few minutes. Especially if you don’t have 18 people living with you. Moving on..
A while back, Brandi send me a great package of samples of her favorite Arbonne products. Bad Elizabeth (my former roommate, who is now technically Bad Elizabeth, R.N.) won an Arbonne spa party a couple of years ago. We were treated to facials and hand treatments, all in the comfort of our humble walk up. Their products are great.
My favorites so far:
- Virtual Illusion makeup primer
- FC5 Nourishing Daily Shampoo and Conditioner
- RElease Deep Pore Cleansing Masque
I’m having so much fun trying out everything Brandi sent. I definitely recommend stopping by Brandi’s blog.
And, apparently Bad Elizabeth isn’t the only lucky Elizabeth around here. Check out this awesome basket of goodies I received from the lovely ladies at Fit Bottom Girls. I thought I had won a workout DVD, so when this giant basket arrived, I thought maybe I received someone else’s mail (and secretly thought about keeping it… a little).
The package includes several varieties of Salada’s new green tea, an “Unbottle Your Tea” bottle (I love brewing my own iced tea), and a 5K with a Twist DVD. So much fun! Break out your hats and gloves, ladies. I may need to have a tea party.
And last, but not least, a letter from my Promising Pal. For the past three years I’ve participated in a great program at a local middle school where community leaders exchange letters with students in grades 5-7. Every student at the school has a pen pal. I love getting letters from my pal. She loves sports and is happy the weather’s warming up around here. That makes two of us.
Don’t you love her handwriting? I can’t tell you how great it feels to see a letter in the mailbox from her. OK, I can. It feels really great.
Also On Tap for Today (mail edition):
- Jaime’s hosting a Crofter’s Superfoods giveaway— enter by Friday for your chance for receive some Super mail.
- Terry finally received my package; stay tuned to see what I sent her
- Is it time for a change at the Post Office? NYT Editorial on Saturday Delivery.
Did you mail back your census yet? Could you live with out Saturday mail delivery?
Comments (4)
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
March 17, 2010 at 12:00 pm
That whole census process is a little crazy!!
I love getting fun mail… wait for my blog post today to see what I got yesterday, it’s SUCH a cool package!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!
Terry Elisabeth
March 17, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Aren’t you a lucky girl !!
kristine (aka k*twan)
March 22, 2010 at 11:29 pm
I agree! I, like you, sat down excited to fill out my survey. Sorely disappointed! I thought the census questions were going to be more interesting! And all they cared about was ethnicity, birthday and homeowner/renter status. BOOO.
Today: Like a fine wine. «
February 18, 2011 at 11:32 am
[…] Write back to my new middle schooler penpal […]