Having had a bit of practice (thanks, Jaime, Jess and Melanie!), I can now spot a Canadian package a mile away. Or a few feet away, at least. This amazing package from the adorable Terry arrived last week, along with lovely memories of trips past to the Quebec province. Please prepare your best “Oh la la…”

Terry must have noticed how much I loved the Best Health magazine that Melanie sent. And she included a Cuisine Lite, too! I’ll be putting that to use for #1 on the 38 while 28 list.

Is she amazing, or what? Thank you so very much, Terry! Some people might balk at the fact that I majored in French in college. Now I can be all, “Um… helloo… how else does one prepare to read the labels on all the incredible Quebecois treats that arrive at my doorstep?” (Let’s pretend that the flip side is not, usually, written in English.) You Canadians are quite lovely. You really are.

Here’s a little preview of the package I sent to Quebec. As usual, it’s taking six months to arrive. I think the U.S. Border Patrol must fear that we are mailing ourselves up north to get some Canadian health care, or buy red mittens… or something.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Visit a high school English class and attempt to seem cool
- Cleaning bonanza
- Read this portrait of French napkins six more times
What’s the best piece of mail you’ve sent or received lately?
Comments (4)
Gerardine Baugh
March 10, 2010 at 2:16 am
I love getting packages and I really enjoyed seeing what you got!
I sent my daughter nonskid socks , some catnip a rabbit fur mouse and some of her old bills – she loved the socks and her cats loved the rest. The bills were never mentioned.LOL
Terry Elisabeth
March 10, 2010 at 7:17 am
I’m so happy you like everything ! I just loved sending you surprises and it’s so fun to see the pictures you posted. See ? No steaks.
March 10, 2010 at 12:04 pm
Me thinks you reside on the wrong side of the border my dear.
Show and Tell : Cross-borders exchange « Pandabox33's Blog
March 17, 2010 at 8:13 pm
[…] hope I get to do this again because I really liked getting her surprises made in Québec. And I really liked getting a package full of nice things. Thank you Elizabeth […]