I’ve been a bit of a Looney Tune this week with work, getting ready for our organization’s annual benefit evening. For weeks, I have not been benefitting from much sleep, nor have my friends and family been benefitting from my usual cheerful charm. But that’s over and I’m back and better than ever. Or at the very least, no worse than before.
This morning Nick and I packed up Clark and met my future sister-in-law (who is marrying my brother, who practices law…and I think he usually succeeds) at Castle Island. She brought her sister’s dog Quinn and we enjoyed a lovely, if not freezing, morning at the beach. Because I’ve been rather absent, and even more grumpy than absent, I thought I’d share a few of the week’s highlights.
- At the polls on Tuesday, a Boston Police officer serenaded me. And then two elementary school kids hugged and high-fived me. And then I got in my car and “Purple Rain” was playing. The day started off on an incredibly awesome note. (This was before the election results, obvi.)
- Having hard work pay off and seeing the proverbial fruits of my labor. Wo/Man, that feels good!
- Getting fresh air, and enjoying the ocean view with Clark and Quinn at Castle Island
- It’s ICLW again! I love the extra motivation to visit new or unfamiliar blogs. So many lovely people out there.
- I have a stack of books to read… and possibly even the time to read them!
- And I’m taking some time to stop and smell these gorgeous flowers on the coffee table
Life really is a beach. Pass me a fruity drink. Or a Diet Coke. I hope you’re all having a perfect Saturday.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Congratulations, Jessica!
- Do you think I could make it on Jersey Shore 2.0: Massholes?
- Laundry: The Never Ending Story
What were the highlights of your week? When was the last time you saw the ocean?
Comments (9)
T Lee
January 24, 2010 at 12:56 pm
“Or at the very least, no worse than before.” Haha, tha’s about right a lot of the time, I love it!
Those flowers are gorgeous- I love fresh flowers and hardly ever get any… And how nice is a pile of books and the prospect of getting to read them!!
January 24, 2010 at 2:14 pm
Ah, books… *stares at the titles and gets lost for a while*
January 25, 2010 at 10:51 am
My highlights:
* being released from my current work assignment (probably sounds like a bad thing, but its not!)
*being able to sleep in my own bed and veg out on my own couch (see above)
*returning home to sunny weather
* spending time with my god daughter and her family
*being able to walk 4 miles on a beautiful, slightly windy afternoon
The last time I saw the ocean was last week…I had been on a work assignment in Virginia Beach, VA and the ocean (and bay) are all around. That is one thing that I will miss.
Shannon – January ICLW
Terry Elisabeth
January 25, 2010 at 12:09 pm
The last time I saw the ocean was last summer when I went to Halifax. I felt very small on the sea looking for whales.
Monique Renae
January 25, 2010 at 2:24 pm
Seeing all those books reminds me that I have a lot of reading to do myself.
And I love fresh flowers. They are an instant mood lifter for me.
January 25, 2010 at 10:55 pm
OMG! I love Purple Rain. When I hear that song on the radio, it instantly makes my day better, too. But I’m not really a Prince fan, just a Purple Rain fan.
Happy ICLW!
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
January 26, 2010 at 1:36 pm
THANK YOU!! My package just arrived, sooooooooooooo much fun stuff… BARNEY BUTTTTTTTTTTTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to listen girl!! hehee It’s soo tasty (you bet that was the first thing I opened and ate!)
Unfortunately the customs people destroyed a few things
Jerk faces, the package was ripped apart… packages were open… I should write a letter…
But I will thou roughly enjoy every single thing, as it is all very me!! (did you know I looooooooove Alba products?) How do you know me so well… stalker? It’s like you read about my day to day activities!! haha
Above all the silliness! Thank you SO much, it was so fun to receive this, and we will keep in touch for sure! When I told Dave you said we’re always welcome in Boston – he said he’s always wanted to go out that way, so you never know!!
Thanks so much girl
xo Jess
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
January 26, 2010 at 1:39 pm
ps.. beautiful flowers.. lucky girl!!
Mrs. Gamgee
January 26, 2010 at 1:54 pm
Sounds like you’re a busy lady!
The pictures are great… especially the flowers. So lovely!
Happy ICLW