Today: Special delivery.

Remember when Jaime and I exchanged packages?  Welp, somehow I tricked Jessica into playing along too!  The idea was that there are some things we just can’t find on one side of the border or the other.  And what could be more fun that a box of goodies arriving at your door? Jess writes and while her name might not be Betty, she is indeed “dairy free.”  I had such a great time exploring the aisles of Boston, picking up dairy free treats to send her way.

I will wait to tell you what I sent, since Jess hasn’t received my package yet…  It is most likely sitting on a custom officer’s desk right now, while they try and figure out how chocolate and peanut butter could weigh over thirty pounds.  They might also be wondering why I claimed chocolate and peanut butter on the customs form, when my package contains neither  (Did I throw you off, Jess? Muhaha…)?  What can I say?  It was cold.  And my brain froze at the post office.

So, ladies and both of you gentlemen (I think my dad and Nick are the only men who read this heap of junk), care to see what arrived in South Boston this morning?

Wooooo! Canada!
Jess claims a kindergartner did the wrapping 😉
Thankfully (although I bet this would get us a TV show) Clark can't read, because I think he'd claim this package as his own.
Hmm.. maybe he does think is for him.
You said it, girl!

I couldn’t help but laugh at the similarities between our two packages!  Let’s get to some of the goodies… sweets, sweets and more sweets, all topped with adorable handwritten notes.  If I end up with a cavity, I’ll have no choice but to blame Canada.  Jess included Canadian Smarties (just in time, I recently finished off the box Jaime sent me), which are nothing like American Smarties.  This might require its own post.

Jess had asked if I drink coffee (I don’t… I heard it stunts your growth and I am still hoping to reach runway model height); I told her of my obsession with tea and she did not disappoint.

I might need to host my own (Boston) tea party

She must have seen me tweet or blogplain (I just invented that word, it means complain on my pathetic blog) about the frigid weather we’ve been enjoying over here.  I pulled these wooly mittens out of the box and wondered, “Do Canadians only have three fingers?”  Ahh… they must be for playing hockey!  …I kid, I kid.  These are so warm and perfect for early morning puppy walking.

Maple granules: Jessica recommended sprinkling these on oats or veggies.  I can’t wait to try these!  How cute is the Canadian flag on top of the tin?  My sister will like these.  She loves the word “granule.”

Jess’ puppy Lance sent a little package for Clark.  Clark may have been a pig in a past life; he is obsessed with food.  Can you tell?

Thanks, Lance!

Jessica clearly put so much thought into this package; I am having so much fun reading her little notes and checking out (read: nibbling on) everything.  I am looking forward to listening to the CD she made me, putting that Lush bubble bar to good use, and sipping a hot cup of tea.  Or three.  You can count on more of her treats appearing On Tap for Today in the coming days!  Thank you, Jess!  You are too sweet. If any other Americans or Canadians want to join in the fun, let me know.

I’d be remiss in not commenting on today’s election.  I am very disappointed in the results, but I’m reminded that those with tact have less to retract.  So I will button my lip… after I quote Martha Coakley’s concession speech: “Sometimes it’s more important to travel hopefully, than to arrive.”  Thank you, Martha.  Best of luck to our new Sen. Brown.  We still miss you, Ted.

Also On Tap for Today:

Did you have a pen pal when you were younger?  What treats do you wish you had in your local store?

Comments (15)

  • Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty

    January 20, 2010 at 12:30 am

    So glad you loved it!! 🙂 I will link to this post tomorrow too!! CAn’t wait to get mine!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Terry

    January 20, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    I love packages ! Lucky, lucky you ! How did you decide to start this with Jess and Jaime ?
    I receive some too from a friend who lives in Nova Scotia. We exchange treats, cards, books…I sent her homemade chex mix, a Toblerone, Lindt chocolates, a homemade treat jar filled with Smarties, caramels and pretzels, a pin and some earrings made in Montreal…many, many things. I love sending her stuff because she’s such a great receiver, always happy.

    Did you have a pen pal when you were younger? More than one ! Now I have my Nova Scotian friend and an aunt I write to on Facebook, she lives in british Columbia.
    What treats do you wish you had in your local store? Hm. Everything. I wish the dépanneur had everything and cheaper than anywhere else. 🙂

  • Nick D

    January 20, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    I ummm ate some of the candy for breakfast.

    -Nick <-worlds greatest b/f

  • Jaime

    January 20, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    Bwahahaha @ Nick’s comments. sounds like I need to send Mr. Big bars again!

    OMG, I can’t believe I never thought to send you Silk Road Tea! What a dumbass. ha! I was so wrapped up in East Coast stuff I forgot my hometown roots.

    Glad you got to do it again! Can’t wait to see what you sent Jess.

    1. Elizabeth

      January 23, 2010 at 4:16 pm

      Hahahaha. I think Mr. Big Bars might be Nick’s kryptonite. 🙂 You’re the best for getting this whole exchange thing going. So fun. Soooo fun.

  • Brandi

    January 21, 2010 at 12:13 am

    Thank you for entering my giveaway! I wish you the best of luck! I saw on the side of your blog that you use dailymile! Maybe we could be friends!? Haha. Sounded so dorky! Also, regardless of if you win the giveaway or not, I would like to send you some samples if you are interested. Shoot me an email:

  • blueberrymuffins

    January 21, 2010 at 2:17 am

    This is soooo cute!!! I love the idea 🙂

  • Heather

    January 21, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    This is such a great post and a lovely idea! The package was obviously sent with a lot of thought and love. The post was obviously made with a lot of gratitude. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you.

    Visiting from IComLeavWe.

  • Monique Renae

    January 21, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    This sounds like SO MUCH FUN! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I absolutely adore smarties so you must share how they are different from the ones here.

    I’d love to join in on the fun if you have room for more. I live in Texas now, and we have some pretty interesting stuff down here. 🙂

    Happy ICLW 🙂

  • Rach

    January 22, 2010 at 8:38 am

    I ask you who doesn’t like receiving a package in the mail?!? I know I do, makes the heart go all fuzzy!!


  • Marisa

    January 22, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    That is such a great activity. I sometimes send chocolate to a friend of mine in the US. She loves Cadburys so I send her the UK ones because the US version tastes so different.

  • Junebug

    January 22, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    I love this package exchange idea. That is so cool. I would have a blast doing one of those.
    Clark is freakin’ adorable.
    I did have several pen pals in Washington state.(I was in Kansas.) I still love to get any mail even if it is a bill or junk that I recycle.

  • pandabox33

    January 23, 2010 at 7:23 am

    Hi ! I nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award !

  • Christina

    January 23, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    I love this so much! (The mittens…oh, how cute!) What a fabulous idea…I would be happy to join in if you ever decided to do it again! Looking forward to reading more often!

    the subfertile frugalista

  • Melanie

    January 25, 2010 at 11:03 am

    You can trick me into trading some goodies ANYTIME! I’d totally be up for that. I love trying new things – and I’ll tell you, every SINGLE time I saw those peanut butter pretzels on Jamie’s blog I was drooling all over my keyboard!

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