Today: 2010.
Welp… we’re well into the fourth day of 2010, and I’ve yet to see a single flying spaceship car. Maybe tomorrow? I’ve spent practically the entire year hopped up on Dayquil, sniffling and sneezing and on occasion, whining. Apparently I’m ringing in the New Year with a cold, but I am not going to let that dampen my plan to have the BEST. YEAR. EVVVVVER! Muhaha.
On New Year’s Day, Nick and his brother were off to Fenway bright and early for the NHL’s Winter Classic. That meant Clark and I were left to fend for ourselves. We went for a long walk in snowy Southie. The walk proved to be too long, as I found myself carrying our 27 lb. Frenchie most of the way back to the condo, sneezing the whole way. And no, public health commissioner, I was not sneezing into my elbow. I thought it best to not drop the dog.
Clark’s been known to try and visit the D-6 Police Station, but on Friday he decided fling himself upon the steps of the station, rather dramatically and refuse to move. I think he was trying to have me arrested for Frenchie endangerment.
I picked him back up, waddled home and promptly collapsed into bed, where I stayed for the following three days, giving me plenty of time to ponder New Year’s Resolutions, both for myself and other people. I don’t know how kindly people take to having resolutions made for them, so I’ll just give you my own goals:
- Complete a longer distance race. In 2009, I ran a 10k and a 7.5 mile race, so we’re looking at a 10 miler or half marathon.
- Take more pictures.
- Speed up my 5k time. I’d like to run March’s Ras na hEireann in under 30.
- Floss more regularly and overcome morbid fear of the dentist. Maybe I will investigate sedation dentistry. Or, given that we’re still in a recession, maybe I will save a few bucks and just take two Tylenol Simply Sleeps and trick Nick into chauffeuring me to and from the dentist. I might even convince him that he owes me one, after the knocked out tooth/fraternity formal debacle of 2008. Maybe.
- Spend more time exploring the neighborhood.
- Devote a few hours on Saturday to planning for the week ahead, in an effort to minimize the dread that has been setting in each Sunday evening since… well… since I became a real adult. This planning might involve meals, work outs, work obligations and so on.
- Make my lunch the night before, grammar school style.
- Relax. It’s not really that serious.
- Use my vacation time. For once.
I think each is doable, and most likely worth what effort they might require. Especially the vacation part. I’ll be sure to keep you updated of my progress or congress. Here’s something to meditate over, this being Monday and all:
What We Need is Here, a poem by Wendell Berry
Geese appear high over us,
pass, and the sky closes. Abandon,
as in love or sleep, holds
them to their way, clear
in the ancient faith: what we need
is here. And we pray, not
for new earth or heaven, but to be
quiet in the heart, and in the eye,
clear. What we need is here.
Alright, folks. Time to take another Dayquil. Or six.
Also On Tap for Today:
- 30 Day Shred
- Organize and bag clothes to donate to St. Francis House and Rosie’s Place
- Start decorating for Valentine’s Day… juuust kidding
- Cook some lucky food and make tomorrow’s lunch
What are you resolving to do, or not to do?
Comments (3)
Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty
January 4, 2010 at 3:42 pm
Good goals!!
I am hoping to use my spiralizer for making veggie pasta!! Yummy!!!!
Thanks for the love on my blog, I’m off to find you some fun stuff for the box!!
January 4, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Yay! A new entry! I was kind of stalking your blog since Dec 23 (yes, your last entry). Do forget to add onto your goals… Go to NYC for the weekend of May 1 to run to Revlon 5k!
Today: Unwind. « On Tap For Today
January 11, 2010 at 3:56 pm
[…] up, D…Elizabeth on Who, me?dailygoods on Who, me?kristinimartini on Today: 2010. What’s on tap for today? Inf. What is on the schedule for today?; What is going to happen today? […]