Remember Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? Do you think Atheneum is looking for a sequel about a twenty-something miss who had a crappy Wednesday? That’s how I’d pitch it to the publisher. Very evocative, no? No? Welp, now you know why there is no book about me. Yet.
I woke up very much on the right side of the bed, got to work earlier than planned, and managed to not spill a single ounce of my smoothie. I have a cute outfit on, didn’t get a speeding ticket, and still have both front teeth. Everything else, however, seems to have gone awry.
I won’t bore you with the work-related details. Suffice it to say, the day was a doozy. I have no idea where all these colloquialisms are coming from. Besides my brain.

Just when I thought my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day was turning around, I noticed a community of mold growing on a grape in the fruit salad I had just picked up downstairs. Did I mention that I had already eaten six or seven grapes? I hope I am not poisoned.
Granted things could be about 9.2 million times worse, but I just having one of those days. Don’t you hate being surrounded by dingbats? I kid. We all make mistakes. And tomorrow’s a new day… and will probably be plain ol’ normal rather than plain ol’ terrible.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Snap out of it.
- Make some enchiladas! Ole’!
- Avoid all news of Tiger Woods. TMI.
How do you snap out of a rude mood?