Today: And the award goes to…
Yesterday, the lovely Jessica of Dairy Free Betty was kind enough to pass along a Beautiful Blogger award. Her instructions were to share the love with seven other ladies, and share seven things you might not care to know about me.
Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way:
- My twenty-seven year streak of catching bees in my bare hands without getting stung came to an abrupt end this summer.
- I was a French major/Fine Arts minor at Boston College.
- I run a non-profit.
- I am the older middle of four siblings.
- I am the shrimpiest in my family. I come from the land of giants, but had to exaggerate to be 5’4″ on my license.
- Nick and I met at the opera a Mensa meeting a bar.
- You may know this one already, but I am a lucky duck.
And now for the good stuff. Seven blogs I love to read, written by seven Beautiful Bloggers:
- Risky Bizz tracks corporate and financial institution reform policies through the lens of the current recession. Did I mention my brilliant cousin Katie is the blogger behind Risky Bizz?
- Pretty Good features gorgeous photography with adorable captions (and sometimes recipes!) that always make me smile.
- Dine Dish Delish is written by an old friend from home and features delish-ous vegan recipes.
- My Canadian pal Jaime writes Embracing Balance and offers great healthy eating tips and never fails to make me giggle.
- Bakerella will make you drool, so don’t read this blog in mixed company.
- I recently came across A Print a Day, you’ll love it, I promise.
- And, of course… Jessica’s blog, Dairy Free Betty. She just posted a recipe for dairy-free peanut butter cups. Do not delay. Click now.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I think I’ve overused the star bullets today, so I will spare you.
Which blogs do you follow?
Comments (2)
December 2, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Thank you for sharing !
Janel (Dine Dish Delish)
December 2, 2009 at 7:19 pm
Aww thanks for the blog love! And for your own personal blog award, yours is the only non-food blog I read! So you win for my non-food-bl0g-favorite category
Ooo, maybe that doesn’t feel so special. If I DID read other non-food blogs, yours would still be #1.