Today: Count my blessings.

Q: If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?

A: Their age.  Muhaha.

In 1621, the Pilgrims sat down to dine with their Native American comrades at the First Thanksgiving.  They wore strange hats and brought all kinds of European diseases.  Tomorrow, my family will sit down to dine at the 388th Thanksgiving.  We’re old enough that we’ve stopped making paper pilgrim hats, and hopefully no one will bring the H1N1.  But who knows.  I’m bringing a dog and a cake:

Putting my new cake decorating kit to good use!

My blessings are too many to count (and we know math is not my strong suit), so that post title was a bit of lie.  Still, I am thankful for my family and always look forward to spending time together.  My parents are the best.  I am thankful for Nick.  I am thankful for my health, our home, each meal I nearly burn, and every day we get to work and play.  I am thankful for my patient and cooperative co-worker and for everyone else who make my life funnier, easier, happier and generally… better.  I am thankful for always having something to read.  I am thankful for the CVS on W. Broadway, for selling me a Snuggie for Pets for $9.99.  Now if only Clark would embrace being enveloped in blue felt.

Also On Tap for Today:

What are you most thankful for?  And what are your plans for the holiday?

Comments (1)

  • Kristin

    November 27, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    I’m thankful for my family. I’m thankful for my husband’s job security. I’m thankful for the love that fills our house.

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November 23, 2009

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November 27, 2009