Today: Go it alone
According to a Meyers-Briggs personality assessment from late 2002, I am an introvert. And while I’m no hermit, there are some things I like doing alone. And then there are those things I would much prefer to do in the company of a partner-in-crime. Attending a Bollywood dance-off would generally fall into the second category.
After trying in vain to recruit a friend or two, I showed up to Life in Synergy‘s Bay Back studios on Friday night completely alone (to be fair, I knew one of Nick’s co-workers would also be there, but since I’d never met her, I think I was still technically, completely alone). This was my first visit (first class is free!), but I had the wherewithal to read their FAQ’s and remembered to bring a combo lock for the lockers. What I forgot to remember was the combo-nation.
Anyway, the instructors divided everyone into two groups and taught the dance to Slumdog Millionaire‘s “Jai Ho.” I probably looked like a reeeeal fool, but I had an absolute blast. After everyone learned the moves, the two groups combined and we performed in smaller groups. I laughed, I cried “Jai ho!” and I perspired like a man. All by myself.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Donate platelets (even though I planned to take a summer vacation from being voluntarily stabbed)
- Pack up all my books, which are sorted by color
- Diagnose myself with insanity
Have you ever ditched (or been ditched by) the group and gone it alone? What are your tips for not looking like a social outcast?