Today: …is a new day.

[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]I was right.  That rat was a bad omen.  I left my office right on time last night, excited to be meeting Sarah and Bridget for a workout, when my little car failed to start.  The tow truck driver dispatched by AAA was a huge help, but sadly, the car had to be towed to a mechanic.  I am still not sure what’s wrong with it.  Our how many arms and legs it will cost to repair the thing.

[Image source]

I missed meeting up with the girls, but I was able to get a ride to my soccer game.  Once we got to the field, I realized I only had one cleat (seriously, that rat was a warning from the universe).  It really was one of those days.  By some miracle, a teammate had an extra pair (!?) in just the right size.  Being at the mercy of other people– whether it’s a T driver or a helpful stranger with the same sized foot– is not somewhere I like to be.  But I suppose I can’t be in control all of the time.  As much as this pains me.

Today is a new day.  What will be with the car, will be.  I have two shoes on.  And they’re both mine.  So that’s an improvement.

While I attempt to look on the bright side, I’ve got two posts that I wrote for the Healthy Living Summit which might be of interest if you’re attending HLS, or simply breezing into town for fun this summer.  Click through if you’d like to read more, and if you’re a local, please feel free to leave your best tips and ideas in the comments section of either post.

Looking for things to do in Boston and Cambridge?

Wondering how to get around once you get here?

Also On Tap for Today:

  • Double unders at CrossFit 🙂
  • Tic Tac spice storage
  • Good luck on Day 2 of the bar exam, lovely sister!

Do you have a lucky charm?  …can I have it? (Just kidding.)

Comments (3)

  • Molly Galler

    July 26, 2012 at 5:07 pm

    Oh no! The rats, the pigeons, now the car and the cleats! I think you’ve had your fair share this week. Hope today was better!

  • Kate

    July 26, 2012 at 6:16 pm

    mercury’s in retrograde. boo! And this week feels a million days long.

  • funandfearlessinbeantown

    July 27, 2012 at 8:48 am

    🙁 We all have days like that. Just keep moving forward, right? Hope the car repairs aren’t too major.

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