Today: A pie chart on Pi Day.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]I never really got the point of Pi. A number that goes on for infinity? How is that a good idea? We used to have contests in middle school math to see who could remember the most Pi digits. This exercise had nothing to do with math, and everything to do with memorization. I like to think I have a steel trap mind, but when it comes to numbers, it’s more of a sieve. Or a colander. Or a slotted spoon. Numeric passwords? I’m hopeless. Phone numbers? Thankfully we don’t actually need to remember any of those anymore. Social Security Number? Tattooed on my wrist. Just kidding. That’s a good idea, though. Sort of.
Welp. I made another pie chart for you.
I always wonder about the things I could store in my head if it wasn’t so chock full of nonsense. Then again, if all my facts fell out of my ear (or wherever they go when you forget), I am pretty sure my excellent sense of direction– and therefore, my ability to navigate a poorly organized city such as Boston– would be lost right alongside my ability to recite the brilliant narrative of Torrance Shipman, the cheer-tator.
Plus, there’s a time and a place for pirate jokes. (That time and place just happen to be now, and wherever I am.)
Also On Tap for Today:
- Pie recipes for Pi Day
- Thankful to have power!
- Date night
What’s the most useful or useless thing you know presently?
Comments (1)
Molly Galler
March 19, 2012 at 11:19 am
I also can recite every line from “Bring It On.” When anyone says, “Brrrr!” I can’t help but follow it up with, “It’s cold in here!”