Today: Take a breaki for some Reiki.
If you’re reading this, I made it home (mostly) in one piece. After 3 hours of sleep and 11 hours spent in airports and airplanes, I touched down at Logan with just a few hours before the Blues Run, the first race of this year’s summer series along the Charles. Running 4.2 miles while overtired and under-hydrated made for a less-than-Amazing-Race. At one point I got passed by a geriatric golden retriever. I am not even sure he was in the race, he may have been out for his afternoon stroll. By the time I finally crawled into bed Thursday night, I felt like (Texas) toast.

I am so grateful to be back in Boston. Really. There is no place like home. Especially when your home sends you emails like this at 6:26 AM:
After last summer’s roller coaster condo hunt, we found our own little oasis in the city. Although, I think I’d be happy any place, as long as it was with these two goofballs.

Speaking of the boys, while Nick was playing hockey last night, Clark and I went on a little adventure. The Pawsitive Dog, where we take the Frenchie for training and day school, hosts monthly lectures. This month’s lecture featured Linda Crabtree from Circle of Peace talking about Reiki… for… um… dogs.
As my mom said, anytime you have a chance to learn about something new and interesting, it’s a good thing. I’m as skeptical as the next person, but I have to say, my interest was piqued, especially after watching how certain dogs responded to Linda. Here’s a bit of what we learned last night:
- Reiki is an ancient Tibetan hands-on method that encourages healing for the whole spiritual, physical, mental and emotional body. During a treatment, the universal life force energy flows through the Reiki practitioner to the animal’s body, bringing warmth, calm, comfort, and relief of pain.
- Some of the signs an animal is responding positively to Reiki (all are indications that an animal is relaxing): Softening of the eyes, licking and chewing, lowering the head, yawning, clearing the nostrils, swaying from side to side, falling asleep, stretching, and passing air. (Hmm… Clark may be getting beamed Reiki on the reg without us knowing.)
- I really liked when Linda explained the 5 principles of Reiki and how they’ve helped her to be a better person. The principles are: Just for today, I let go of worry; Just for today, I let go of anger; Just for today, I will express gratitude; Just for today, I will do my work honestly; Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing. To the last principle, Linda added “and myself.”
Still in doubt? Dr. Oz’s wife is a Reiki practitioner. And Dr. Oz knows Oprah. Bazinga! Instant credibility.
Also On Tap for Today:
- We’re heading up North to visit Nick’s parents
- Can you believe LOST ends tomorrow? Let’s make some smoke monster popcorn.
- Ahhh! A baby hippo!
What are your thoughts on Eastern/complimentary medicine? Is it wacko, or does it worko?
Comments (4)
May 22, 2010 at 12:28 pm
I prefer Eastern medicine. My problem with Western medicine is when it waits till the patient in compromised. I prefer the preventative nature of Eastern medicine including alternative treatments.
May 26, 2010 at 2:40 pm
I am a fan of western medicine. Congrats on the race and I hope you get some well deserved rest.
Happy ICLW!(#64)
Clifford Cliff
September 12, 2011 at 9:13 pm
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September 13, 2011 at 1:15 pm
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